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health blog
We don't want you to just be healthy. We want you to understand why and how to be healthy. And, as a community pharmacy, we want to be part of your health journey as a trusted healthcare resource.
Have questions on any topic here? Stop by and visit with a pharmacist!

4 days ago4 min read
Common Heart Medications: What to Know
It’s important to understand why you have been prescribed certain medications and how those medications work.

Jan 24 min read
Your Guide to the 2025 Medicare Changes
Beginning this year in 2025, there are seven big changes to Medicare that you need to be aware of.

Dec 2, 20244 min read
Why Do I Feel Depressed in the Winter?
Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that is related to the change of seasons and lack of sunlight during the winter months.

Dec 1, 20241 min read
Chron's and Ulcerative Colitis Awareness
Wondering if your bowel issues are something you ate or something more serious? Learn more about Chron's and Ulcerative Colitis in our...

Nov 14, 20241 min read
Diabetes vs. Prediabetes
Did you know that many people are at risk of diabetes without knowing it? Learn how to watch for prediabetes and diabetes, as well as how...

Nov 8, 20242 min read
Maximize Your Health While on GLP-1 Medications
Prescription medications play a crucial role in maintaining our health and wellbeing. Incorporating a balanced diet, considering targeted...

Nov 1, 20244 min read
5 Tips for Healthier Skin
The outside of your body is just as important as the inside, with your skin being the first line of defense against the world.

Oct 14, 20241 min read
Breast Cancer Awareness
We all age, so it's important that we all know what types of preventative care we should keep on our radar as we do so we can stay in...

Oct 4, 20241 min read
Healthy Aging
We all age, so it's important that we all know what types of preventative care we should keep on our radar as we do so we can stay in...

Oct 1, 20244 min read
Hearing Loss: Your Guide to Stop Saying “Huh?”
Hearing loss affects more than just the ability to communicate, it can influence your social life, cognition, energy levels, and mobility.

Sep 1, 20244 min read
4 Tips for Healthy Aging
Older adults need to pay closer attention to their health to help them live a happy, healthy, independent life.

Aug 30, 20241 min read
Opioid Awareness Day (August 31)
Can 1 MINUTE of information save a life? This minute might! Let's work together toward ending the #opioidcrisis through education & action!

Aug 6, 20241 min read
ACIP Vaccine Updates
Didn't have time to sit in on ACIP's summer meeting? Our newest Clinical Tidbit has a summary of the vaccine recommendation updates.

Aug 1, 20247 min read
The ABCs of Vitamins & Minerals
We hear that getting enough vitamins and minerals is critical to our health, but we don't always get the full details on what we need & why.

Jul 18, 20241 min read
Nutrient Deficiency & Calcium
There can be serious consequences of calcium deficiency. This tidbit covers symptoms of deficiency and what you can do to supplement.

Jul 1, 20244 min read
Do you know how PBMs are affecting your meds?
PBMs often make profits that are not shared within the supply chain—and often at the expense of those entities, including patients.

Jun 30, 20241 min read
Sun Safety
For UV Safety Month, we review the basics of sun safety, including how to choose a sunscreen and which meds increase sun sensitivity.

Jun 16, 20241 min read
Pneumococcal Vaccine
We take a deep dive into the pneumococcal vaccines, addressing the history, guidelines, and the PneumoRecs app.

Jun 1, 20245 min read
Summer Heat Safety
Pool days, grill-outs, boating, vacations – summer is finally here! The summer months come with fun outdoor activities, but precautions...

May 1, 20246 min read
What is Gut Health and Why is it Important?
What is the gut? You often hear how the health of your gut affects your body, skin, and mental health, among many other things. But what...
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